Margo Farnsworth
Nature Writer - Educator - Biomimicry Fellow
About Margo and Screendoor Consulting

Margo Farnsworth describes her professional past as that of a hunter gatherer. From working in management at a backpacking store, as a park ranger and university biology teacher to working as a mammalogist, naturalist and executive director for the Cumberland River Compact working to enhance water quality/supply, she has always sought out ways to serve our planet and the people on it. In more recent times, she moved into the role of strategist and connector, helping national organizations, corporations, graduate students and PhD’s here and abroad to think deliberately and holistically about their missions,goals and operations.
By activating water/energy-friendly behaviors, technologies and processes, using biomimicry more broadly in design and systems while enhancing communication internally and externally; businesses can become more resilient and bring that same benefit to people and the environment.
Margo's goal is to work on projects and with people to have stellar local sustainability impacts while tying into the global community to expand our collective success.
A Video Interview- Conducted by Carol Davit, Executive Director of the Missouri Prairie Foundation discussing Margo's newest book.
Articles Featuring Margo
Idaho Rivers United – “Lessons from Nashville”
Margo educates and coaches to activate students and clients creating healthier landscapes as well as more sustainable communities.

(One of Margo's North American biomimicry students presenting a design for refugee housing.)
Why Screendoor Consulting?

I was despondent the day Mom told me we were replacing our old screen door with a new-fangled glass model. No slap of the old screen door? Losing the ability to make screen prints on my hand? (I was nine at the time.) No fresh air wafting through those tiny squares bringing a friendly breeze from our shady yard? It was a dark day for me.
But as time passed I noticed the benefits of change. Although I, like many of us, dragged my feet as my reality was being altered I eventually understood and embraced that change that allowed for fewer drafts in the winter and cooler temperatures in the summer.
Because so many of us have this trait in common (this dragging of feet toward more sustainable practices which benefit our ecosystems, our pocketbooks and our comfort) I named my consultancy for that old screen door.
The “new” can be scary but can also bring desirable realities into your business and career – realities that benefit not only you but the world around you.